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Our Spirit

Our Yesterday is our Tomorrow

Dedication is the ability to consistently inspire oneself, to tell ourselves a new story every day. To read of the past, is to have found an unending storybook of years of perseverance and tenacity. To read history, is to recognise our past, and learn from it. History is not dates and events; it is a journal of years of blood, sweat, toils and tears. One reads of great men and women of humankind, and discovers that they faced the trials that we all do, to see them suffer, and still show up to try again. To truly know our idols, with their strengths and follies, their highs and lows, their warts and wings, is the moral to reading history. Great stories inspire ordinary men to do extraordinary deeds.

To know of legends who rose up against long odds, those men of destiny with the ability to face despair and devastation, who rose up to chart such moments in history which required grit and courage, is a learning for life. To know their story is to know that our own stiff shoulders are being prepared for destiny to hang its coat.

“The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.”

Sir Winston Churchill