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360° : Understanding Different Minds

In 2007, 360° (360 Degrees) a formal set up commenced within Balmohan Vidyamandir for an inclusive educational experience.

360° : Understanding Different Minds

We at Balmohan Vidyamandir believe that School is a place for fun, work, and learning. This implies learning in the play-way method and helps unravel the abilities, skills, talents, emotions, and passions of the child. This is done without rupturing a child’s inalienable affinity to his and her mother tongue, without diluting his and her heritage. Our education system is a scientific process in the making a responsible and capable human being.

In 2007, 360° (360 Degrees) a formal set up commenced within Balmohan Vidyamandir for an inclusive educational experience. True to its name, it works on the all-round development of the children, teachers and the Parents. It undertakes Teacher’s Training, Remedial Sessions for children in need, and Parent Enrichment Programmes. It is a scaffold towards building a lasting bond between Parents and Teachers to ensure optimal focus on the learning and growing child.

At the 360° Centre We Aim To

We, at 360° Centre, believe in the holistic development of the child keeping inclusive education in mind. It aims at enhancing the child’s psychological, physical, social, emotional and cognitive needs. A good education system smoothens the hard and rigid contours of conventional mode of education and imports the elements of enjoyment in learning akin to participation in sports. We aim to recognise a child’s affinities and abilities.

Our school is a welcoming and happy place where each child is valued as an individual. The school environment is modern, stress free and cheerful. In such a stimulating and caring school, the child will grow in self-confidence and independence. On one hand, our children will reap the benefits of group learning and on the other; they will discover avenues to explore his or her innate aptitude, talents and strengths.

At The 360° Centre We Aspire To

The structure at 360° Centre works towards developing a Child’s cognitive abilities, to understanding and conceptualizing memory and social skills which an individual needs to function in daily life. It also works towards identifying the creative abilities of children which need to be found and enhanced.

The Centre works as a backup centre for the children diagnosed with Specific Learning Disability, Autism, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and Slow Learners. It provides them with the needed help and support they may require.

The Centre also functions as a counselling centre for children with behavioural issues, a guidance centre for the children to bond through activities and a release zone to let out their pent up emotions. It aims to be a one-stop centre which can fulfil the needs of our children in the School without having to outsource them.

The Centre identifies children with additional needs and conducts tests if required. When certified, the Centre provides children with remedial processes for Learning Disability and its Types, as also for Slow Learner, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder), Autism, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, and Dyspraxia, Cerebral Palsy, and Gifted Children. Remedial Therapy for Behavioural Issues, as well as Hearing Impairment, is also available.

The 360° Centre follows a four-fold procedure of Observation, Assessment, Remedial, and Behaviour Modification and Management.

360°: Understanding Different Minds

In 2007, 360° (360 Degrees) a formal set up commenced within Balmohan Vidyamandir for an inclusive educational experience.

Programmes for Teachers:

The 360° Centre conducts sensitization workshops and learning programmes for Teachers, involving training workshops to keep teachers abreast with new terminologies and techniques to assist the children. Teachers are encouraged to pursue the physical and online courses on Sensitization and Therapies.

Workshops such as:

Understanding Learning Disability and their Types, Classroom Strategies for Children with Learning Disabilities, Art Based Therapy, Online Courses on Learning Disability, practical sessions on Learning Disability and Sensitization, Language Development Workshop, the Group Dynamics Workshop reinventing team spirit and healthy competition amongst our teachers, seminar on School Mental Health, Skill Based Teaching: Teaching The Learner Not The Subject, and a workshop on Effective Methods of Teaching Mathematics.

Balmohan Vidyamandir ensures appropriate preparation and training as part of the continuing education for our Teachers and Counsellors.

The Parental Assistance:

Parents play an integral role in the development of the child, especially for our special children. At the centre we have Parent Meetings and discussions wherein a feedback is taken about the child’s development and the observational views of the Principal, teachers and special educators is shared with them.

We work on empowering the parents through various counselling sessions and being a sounding board to their problems regarding the development of their child.